On Friday night I had really painful back spasms which woke me up. I mentioned them to the doctor on the following day and she prescribed some codeine for the pain. I took two tablets and in the evening was sick. On Sunday I got the news that my neutrophills had come up to 0.6 meaning I could go home! I was still being sick and was feeling really tired and exhausted. I told the doctor this and she said it was probably down to the codeine (even though I'd only taken two tablets).
On Monday I wasn't any better and wasn't keeping any food down so on Tuesday I texted my clinical nurse in Bart's who said I should go to Colchester hospital for a check up which I did.
I had a bag of blood and the doctor I saw there wanted me to stay over night so they could give me some fluids.
Yesterday morning he came and saw me telling me that I would have an MRI scan and a bone marrow biopsy (to check things were going in the right direction) and then could hopefully go home in the evening.
I had the bone marrow biopsy in the morning and then early afternoon the consultant I'd been seeing in Colchester came and saw me. I found out that the biopsy was actually done because the day previously the doctor thought my blood counts looked a bit weird. After looking at the biopsy they could see that the counts were indeed odd and that I'd relapsed. The last load of chemo I had didn't work and there was little they could do for me now. I was told that there's some experimental treatment happening and that if I was interested she would find out some more information for me and see if I fit the criteria. Other than that they would try and keep me as well as they can for as long as they can. This could be weeks or months.
I then had the MRI late afternoon and didn't get the results - they might come out today.
It wasn't really the kind of news I was expecting to hear but I knew it was a possibility that that might be the outcome since the second relapse.
I'm now planning to enjoy Christmas and enjoy my time at home. Although this wasn't the desired news I know where I'm going and that God's in control and that it's part of His plan, even though I may not understand it this side of eternity.