Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hospitals and hostels...

What's been going on over the last few days? Well! It's been pretty good if I'm honest!
Where did I leave off? Was it Monday? On Tuesday I was told that my consultant wanted me in hospital so that they could monitor me more closely - but there was no bed for me (what a shame!!!) so I had to spend another night in the hostel which was great! But I was told that I'd be coming in as soon as there was a bed. So, yesterday I returned in the morning for my regular checks and blood test - but there was still no bed. I wasn't complaining. It's so nice to have the freedom to be a resident rather than a patient. I know that if I was in the hospital I'd just be spending the days in bed and feeling worse for it. On the contrary I've been walking to and from the hospital (only a one minute walk, but hey!), going to the shops, climbing stairs etc.

In the afternoon I needed a top-up of blood which made me a lot more alert!
Then this morning I again had my visit to the day-unit and was told I needed some platelets as they were down to 4. Most people have between 150-200. So I had a bag of those and then came back to the hostel where I am now.

I'm so pleased not to have had any mucositis or infections or fevers! The doctors are waiting for me to phone up with such news and to pump me with antibiotics. So I'm praying that it stays that way! However, at any time something could flare up.

Yesterday evening I read the following by Charles Spurgeon:
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows - only today of its strength.

And that's very true. There's no point in me worrying about getting an infection, because firstly, it might not happen (which would be a miracle!), secondly it only ruins the good days that you have! And the same goes for every other situation in life.

One final thing...

Many of you have asked how you can help. Well, this might not directly affect me but I rely very frequently on blood or platelet transfusions. There's a huge shortage of blood. I can't give blood anymore because of my illness etc. but many of you can! And there are thousands of people who would benefit from it! You literally would be saving lives! And I'm sure many of you already to donate blood and platelets, but if you don't then I'd encourage you do it! It has many positives. For example the sticker and the biscuits you receive at the end. And more importantly if you have an illness that will be picked up then too. The negatives? A tiny needle goes in your arm. I've have hundreds of them in me over this last month so just deal with it and man up! :D

Here's a link if you're interested:

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear you're doing well!
    Giving blood is awesome- definitely do it for the biscuits. Unfortunately I can't do it right now because of the risk of Thai tropical diseases blah blah blah. Will give blood asap when I'm back in the UK though :)
    thinking and praying for you Matt
