Monday 7 January 2013

A year since Matt's funeral

Dear friends,

A year ago today we celebrated Matt's life in the thanksgiving service that he had planned. We would like to share a part of it with you here. Please feel free to comment and/or share it with others.

We would love to hear from you.

David and Gisa

1 comment:

  1. Dear David Gisa and Anna

    I have only only recently learned this incredibly sad news about Matt. I cannot begin to imagine how you have got through the last couple of years; I am shocked to the core and completely heartbroken for you.

    I have taken a look through Matt's blog and seen the photo montage Anna posted on youtube. Matt's seems to have been a fine young man and I'm sure you are immensely proud of him. There are so many parallels with my own son Matt. Born the same year, both guitar players I noted and tall handsome guys with strong family values.

    Matt's diary of his treatment is written with so much humour and positivity and in every photo he is smiling broadly, it is so hard to accept he is no longer with us.

    I recall the weekends we spent together, your young family and mine. We visited the beach and a farm - they were such enjoyable and carefree times weren't they?

    David, I am so sorry we lost touch and I would love to meet up with you again. You were such a good friend and colleague, and I recall how kind you were when my father passed away. I am still at RSA, but am due to leave in August. I understand you left Mitsui, but I don't know what you are doing now.

    I really can't think of anything to say to you at this time - I am stunned to say the least. I do know though that your faith is so strong and so I hope that faith, and the family and friends you have around you, have sustained you through this darkest of times.

    I wish you and your family all best wishes and hope to see you again soon.

    Love from

    Nigel (Badham) and family
