Thursday 15 December 2011

One of the last posts

On Friday night I had really painful back spasms which woke me up. I mentioned them to the doctor on the following day and she prescribed some codeine for the pain. I took two tablets and in the evening was sick. On Sunday I got the news that my neutrophills had come up to 0.6 meaning I could go home! I was still being sick and was feeling really tired and exhausted. I told the doctor this and she said it was probably down to the codeine (even though I'd only taken two tablets).

On Monday I wasn't any better and wasn't keeping any food down so on Tuesday I texted my clinical nurse in Bart's who said I should go to Colchester hospital for a check up which I did.
I had a bag of blood and the doctor I saw there wanted me to stay over night so they could give me some fluids.

Yesterday morning he came and saw me telling me that I would have an MRI scan and a bone marrow biopsy (to check things were going in the right direction) and then could hopefully go home in the evening.

I had the bone marrow biopsy in the morning and then early afternoon the consultant I'd been seeing in Colchester came and saw me. I found out that the biopsy was actually done because the day previously the doctor thought my blood counts looked a bit weird. After looking at the biopsy they could see that the counts were indeed odd and that I'd relapsed. The last load of chemo I had didn't work and there was little they could do for me now. I was told that there's some experimental treatment happening and that if I was interested she would find out some more information for me and see if I fit the criteria. Other than that they would try and keep me as well as they can for as long as they can. This could be weeks or months.

I then had the MRI late afternoon and didn't get the results - they might come out today.

It wasn't really the kind of news I was expecting to hear but I knew it was a possibility that that might be the outcome since the second relapse.

I'm now planning to enjoy Christmas and enjoy my time at home. Although this wasn't the desired news I know where I'm going and that God's in control and that it's part of His plan, even though I may not understand it this side of eternity.


  1. Matt,

    We love you. Not the news we wanted for you. But this we know God is with you and will never leave you or forsake you. You are such a blessing boy. I am so glad we got to know you. Be blessed over this Christmas.
    Chris & Ian x x x

  2. im so sorry :( god bless

  3. Hey Matt,
    I heard about your condition through your friend Josh; am really sorry that your health isn't as you hoped and that the future seems open ended at the moment. From your blog, I can see that you're really having to trust the Lord for each day. Amen, he is totally sovereign over your life and is the only one with the power to give and take away. I am encouraged by your faith and the peace you have about where your true home is, is so comforting. This is the deep peace Christ died to give us. My prayer for you is that through your situation, the Lord will be glorified in your life and may your sacrifices produce the fruit of many to know Him. I hope you have a blessed Christmas with family; that you spend good quality time together and that you'll be able to have a new sense of surrender to Him for the year ahead. We serve a powerful and loving God; good and 100% reliable....anything is possible with Him. May you come to know and believe that deep down.
    Hannah :)

  4. It was so good to see you yesterday! We love you and keep praying that your pain will go.
    Michael and Penny.

  5. Thank you for sharing your amazing faith - I pray that God will give you and your family and friends peace and that this Christmas will be your best yet.



  6. I have followed your journey and been amazed at how you have managed to get out and about when you have felt well enough. Your faith has been a blessing to many. May you enjoy this Christmas time with your family. Linda
