Tuesday 18 January 2011

Good morning!

Good morning! It's me (Matt) again. I'm in my hospital bed waiting for breakfast to come (if it will, as I didn't put my order in!) having had a good nights sleep.
Yesterday afternoon I arrived at the new ward I was to be in and was shown to my bed in a room with about three other guys. They all had their curtains drawn and nobody spoke. It was a bit depressing, so I went to see the doctor and ask about my bone marrow results! They showed me that I'm in remission! I have responded to the first load of chemotherapy as planned and right now I do not have any leukaemia in me! That's a great thought! Because I'm in remission I'm allowed to continue with treatment to reduce the likelihood of it returning. So today I begin cycle two of chemotherapy which apparently shouldn't be as bad as the first round, which I didn't find that bad in the first place. The nurses said that they've seen people being hit really hard by chemo, but I found it fine. That's an answer to prayer in itself.
So this is great news! But still only the beginning of a long journey.
After receiving the news we went out for dinner at pizza express opposite St. Paul's in Paternoster Square which was really nice. It saved me from a plate of whatever the hospital were gonna shove down my throat! Following that I decided to say 'hi' to the guys in the ward I was in previously. When I arrived they apologised that my bed wasn't ready yet. I told them I was just saying 'hi' and that I was in 4A. But they'd decided to bring me back, not only to my old ward, but to the side room I was in last time too! Pretty cool!
So things are going well! And God's at work in this whole situation!

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