Wednesday 12 January 2011

Life's becoming a bit more normal!

Right! So I'm writing the blog today! (Matthew)
Coming back home has been great. Each day I have more strength to do things. On Sunday I went to the beach but barely had enough energy for five minutes down there. It was great to see some beauty rather than the cold, stone courtyard of a hospital.
On Monday I had a blood test in Colchester which was very positive. All my blood levels have gone up which seems to imply things are going to plan. Walking around the hospital was a good work out too!
Tuesday I visited Fellowship Afloat in Tollesbury where I work. It was great to see my second family, the people I live with, and to spend time as though I was back at work (only I didn't do any work. I just watched).
Today I've just been resting up and doing nothing. It's been a great few days but they've also been quite exhausting.
I'm eating better and am slowly putting on weight - definitely something to do with Mum's cooking. And I'm slowly starting to sleep better too.
Tomorrow I go back to Bart's for the day for a bone marrow biopsy. There they're going to find out how I responded to the first lot of chemo. Hopefully it'll put me into remission! A bone marrow biopsy consists of a long, thick needle being dug into my pelvis. Not a great experience and not something I'm looking forward to. But I need to get used to it as I'll have one a month for the next year.
But I'm in good spirits and God is good. His strength is what's keeping me going 100%. People say to me that I'm an inspiration because of how I'm coping, but I wouldn't be coping with this trial like this without God. All the glory goes to Him.

Thank you everyone for all your support, thoughts, prayers, messages and cards! You're all being hugely encouraging. I look forward to catching up with you all when this episode is over!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear your how you're getting on. On our local news (which is Kent cause our aerial faces that way) a young lady has been to Germany for a drug trial, which seems to have been successful. Worth investigating?
