Saturday 5 March 2011

On the up!

There's been little news over the last couple of days. I've been going in for my morning blood test and afternoon obs, and in between the to-ing and fro-ing have got lots of reading done amongst other things.
This afternoon I went back in for my observations and they had the results from this morning's blood test showing that my neutriphills have gone up from 0.00 to 0.2! When it hits 0.5 they send me back home. So it's a step in the right direction and I'm hoping they will have made the extra jump tomorrow!
It's really not that bad here but it will be good to get back doing normal things again, even if this does feel like an odd kind of holiday.
Other than that there's not much news.
Thanks for the continuing support and prayers!

Yesterday's afternoon excursion.

The result of yesterday's excursions...


  1. I think you must have got some tigger genes from way back. We keep praying ans isn't it great that Doug is home. Love Keith & Gerry

  2. Hey Matt, you are a great inspiration to us all....and we love the pics too, great to see you out and about! Lots of love from Mark and George Ambrose
